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Great Review

Local author done good!

These are the sort of headlines we all, as timid writers taking our first baby steps out into the big wide self-publishing world, dream about. Just one person telling us that what we have produced (after weeks/months/years of writing, editing, crying over, tweaking, screwing into a ball and tossing into the waste bin.) is actually worth reading.

It isn't easy learning how to BLOW your own trumpet.

'I've written my first novel. You might...probably won't like it. But if you could just ...have a look. I don't mind if you give it a bad review on Amazon. I've got thick skin...I can take it.'

Sound familiar?

Why can't we be more confident about what we do?

Maybe this review on will help me be a bit braver. It's such a wonderful feeling to find you are being talked about on someone else's website. Please let me know what you think.

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